GENESEQ Derwent Genesequence database
Database Producer

The GENESEQ database contains information on nucleic acid and protein sequences extracted from the Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) basic patent documents published by 57 patent offices worldwide. Coverage includes all nucleotide sequences longer than nine bases, all protein sequences longer than three amino acids and probes and primers of any length. More than half of the sequence data that appears in GENESEQ is not available in any other public sequence database. Records contain bibliographic information; Clarivate assigned titles, abstracts, detailed indexing, and the sequence data. GENESEQ contains the GETSEQ searching package for exact match sequence searching in the file. Two algorithms are available for similarity searching of protein and nucleotide sequences: FASTA based GETSIM, and BLAST. Additionally, sequence similarity based current-awareness searching is made available via the ALERT feature.

712.07 KB

Database Summary Sheet: Concise description with all fields, all formats, many examples.

699.11 KB

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