The patent full-text database JPFULL, covering patent applications, granted patents, utility models, and design patents published in Japan, has been reloaded. Content enhancements and new search options promise additional relevant hits.
The latest version of the Emtree thesaurus launched in Embase on STNext on May 15, 2023.Emtree is a critical resource for the most updated terminology in biomedicine, pharmacology and medical devices, and is updated three times per year.
As scientific innovation becomes increasingly global, R&D and intellectual property leaders need a more complete view of the innovation landscape and relevant global patent families to support informed discovery and investment decisions.
For the 2023 revision, 54 new Manual Codes have been added, with 26 new CPI (Chemical Patents Index) codes and 28 new codes in the GMPI/EPI (ie General and Mechanical Patents Index and Electrical Engineering Patents Index) areas.
Imagine your CAS STNext search has retrieved a patent application of particular interest to you, but that patent includes many claims. The new Interactive Claim Viewer answers these questions for you!