Regulated Chemicals Listing
Database Producer
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
The Regulated Chemicals Listing file contains information about chemi-cal substances listed on more than 100 national and regional inventories. CHEMLIST offers the convenience of identifying – in one place – the regu-latory requrements for a specific sub-stance from many of the world‘s most significant regulated substances lists. Covered are substances on the Uni-ted States EPA TSCA (Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act) Inventory or those subject to regulations under the Toxic Sub-stances Control Act or similar US le-gislation incl. US state lists; lists from Canada (e.g., the Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL) and Non-Domes- tic Substances List (NDSL)); Mexico, the European Union (e.g., EINECS and REACH), Switzerland, Israel, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Phil- ipinnes, Australia and New Zealand. Records contain substance identity information, inventory status, source of information, and summaries of re-gulatory activity, reports, and other compliance information.