Excerpta Medica
Database Producer
Elsevier B.V.
The Excerpta Medica database covers worldwide literature in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields, including biological science, biochemistry, human medicine, forensic science, pediatrics, phar-macy, pharmacology and drug therapy, pharmacoeconomics, psy-chiatry, public health, biomedical engineering and instrumentation, and environmental science. Sour-ces for EMBASE include more than 8,500 journals from approximately 95 countries. Features include che-mical names, drug trade names, drug manufacturer names, medi-cal device trade names, medical device manufacturer names, mo-lecular sequence numbers, CAS Registry Numbers and the EMTREE thesaurus.
290.27 KB

Database Summary Sheet: Concise description with all fields, all formats, many examples.

699.11 KB

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