International Patent Family DataBase (EPO)
Database Producer
European Patent Office/ FIZ Karlsruhe
INPAFAMDB (INternational PA-tent FAMily DataBase) contains the patent family data of patent documents and utility models from more than 100 patent- issuing organizations including the European Patent Office (EPO) and the World Intellectual Proper-ty Organization (WIPO).In addition, the legal status data of 77 patent issuing organizations (53 countries + 24 countries of the national phases PCT/EP) are inclu-ded. Calculated expiration dates are provided for granted IP rights for 41 patent authorities.Bibliographic data is subject to special quality procedures to pro-vide best possible patent family recognition.INPAFAMDB presents the world- wide patent data from the patent families view, whereas INPADOCDB presents the patent applications view.