ProQuest Science and Technology
Database Producer
ProQuest LLC
PQSCITECH (ProQuest Science and Technology) is a valuable and huge re-source of over 27 Mio documents in all areas of science and technology from engineering to life-science.The file is a merger of 25 former STN data-bases known as CSA databases (Cam-bridge Scientific Abstracts): AEROSPACE, ALUMINIUM, ANTE, AQUALINE, AQUASCI, BIOENG, CERAB, CIVILENG, COMPUAB, CONFSCI, COP-PERLIT, CORROSION, ELCOM, EMA, ENVIROENG, HEALSAFE, LIFESCI, LISA, MATBUS, MECHENG, METADEX, OCEAN, POLLUAB, SOLIDSTATE, and WATER. AEROSPACE and METADEX are also available as separate files. PQSCITEC sources are journals, pa-tents, books, reports, and conference proceedings. The records contain bib-liographic and indexing information, and abstracts.
255.13 KB

Database Summary Sheet: Concise description with all fields, all formats, many examples.

699.11 KB

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